Information for Consumers:
COVID-19 and CCD Regulations
Our Commitment to Your Family and Ours. Safety is always 1st for our Customers and Team.
A1WCS follows and enforces COVID-19, CDC guidelines of PPE, Social Distancing, and Personal interaction. Our staff is committed to protecting Themselves and Everyone they encounter at work and at home.
From day one, we started - No Contact Salt deliveries. Immediately started supplying staff and families with PPE items. Hold on hold Advertising and Selling Equipment and services, ensuring our Staff, Customers, Potential Customers, and family and friends stay safe. Turning away businesses from people who were not compiling with CDC guidelines.
In-house requirements of all staff are temperature readings at the beginning and end of a shift—masks at all times, and Complete sanitation of all trucks, offices, equipment, and Customers’ equipment. Face Shields as needed and safety glasses.
We have always been dedicated and involved in Our Communities; we know 1st hand that Together, we can all make a difference. Together doing all we can to protect and support each other through these uncertain times. Please do not forget to donate to the food banks if you can.
We will continue spending money on Researching information and Providing Posts that are informative to Everyone (not just NJ) on the Various issues of the Pandemic. We will continue donations to various forums as possible.
We are here for you today and always.
The"3" Water Issues Plaguing NJ - Passaic and Morris Counties
Do Not let a company create panic or give the perception that there is an urgency for immediate action. The purpose of all these tactics is not for the benefit of you, the consumer; it is for the benefit of the Company, creating panic to sell goods or services.
FACTS: Per the water and article: "chlorine in the water is to destroy the bacteria and viruses that can enter a water system in many different ways. A chlorine residual provides the primary protection from these known and well-understood pathogens. It is the only effective, large-scale method for residual protection of drinking water..." The EPA requires treated tap water ... detectable level of chlorine to help prevent contamination. The allowable chlorine levels in drinking water (up to 4 parts per million) pose “no known or expected health risk [including] an adequate margin of safety.” Only chlorine-based disinfectants can provide lasting protection from waterborne diseases throughout the distribution system from a treatment plant to the consumer’s tap....The real danger when it comes to chlorine is eliminating its use. [ article, By Chris Wiant, MPH, PhD
March 30, 2010]
LEAD in Water (New Jersey)
Information is an asset if it is delivered unbiasedly and fully. I am addressing only NJ below:
99.99% in NJ, Lead has nothing to do with the water supplier; it has to do with the pipes in one’s home. Lead found in water without question should be addressed. If the pipe at the street (header pipe) DOES contain lead, lead in the tap water may be coming from that pipe or connected pipes (it may also be coming from sources inside your home). In most homes built before 1986, you must test for lead in your water. The EPA action level is if the levels are above 15 parts per billion (ppb). See the link to CCD and lead in your drinking water.
There are at-home kits that can give you a quick reading sold in many hardware stores or online Amazon has a huge assortment of them. Who can say which one of these tests is more accurate than the other? Then there are tests in which you take a sample of the water and send it to a lab for analysis. Regardless of the test you chose, it is extremely important to follow the directions properly. Most Water Treatment companies deal with Labs which require two samples of water. These samples are to be taken at different times of the day to obtain a clear understanding and reading of the Lead in your water.
What to do if you have lead or believe you have lead in your water?
Per the C.C.D., until the lead source is eliminated, you should take the following steps any time you wish to use tap water for drinking or cooking, especially when the water has been off and sitting in the pipes for more than 6 hours. Please note that additional flushing is necessary: (A) Before using any tap water for drinking or cooking, run high-volume taps (such as your shower) on COLD for 5 minutes or more. (B) Then, run the kitchen tap on COLD for 1–2 additional minutes. (C) Fill a clean container(s) with water from this tap. This water will be suitable for drinking, cooking, preparation of baby formula, or other consumption. To conserve water, collect multiple containers of water at once (after you have fully flushed the water from the tap as described).
General comments:
When I read the post about the "3 ... plaguing NJ, " I personally called and spoke with 2 of the major water suppliers in NJ. I received their water reports, "which" anyone can retrieve online or from your town. When scare (tactics) situations are created to cause consumers to be upset, it isn't good for everyone involved. We will continue working with various organizations to prevent companies from creating consumer upset when it is not 100% valid or needed. We are dedicated to educating consumers and reporting companies providing false information and overselling products to consumers in the Water Industry.
YES, everyone at some point should have their water tested and treated for what is needed. Do so because you are concerned and want to know What is in your Water. Well, Water is recommended to be tested yearly; this can be located on ""
Hard Water - Not many people like what Hard Water is doing to their homes, skin, appliances, and pipes; I couldn't agree more. Before spending your hard earned money, first, know what your hard water levels are. There seems to be a consensus that if the Hard Water readings are at or below acceptable levels, something should still be done to reduce and alleviate it as much as possible. This is not necessary; it is rather a personal preference.
It is important that we all work together to protect our families and communities from "Scammers, Fraud or Shady Business practices of Individuals and Companies."
Below are a few important articles to read and share with family and friends. ANTI-FRAUD TOOLKIT SPEAKS TO (Mailers "you won $, phone Calls you Won a Vacation") / Spoofing Caller ID (This is XYZ Bank Calling with important.... "or" This is an urgent call from the IRS)
This is a great tool for all INDIVIDUALS to be familiar with. For more visit the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs
Spoofing how it works and what to avoid. The New Jersey Dvisionon of Consumer Affairs provides detailed information regarding this and much more.
Spoofing and Caller ID
What is spoofing, and how does it work?
"Spoofing" occurs when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID display to disguise their identity. An attempt to trick someone into giving away valuable personal information so it can be used in fraudulent activity or sold illegally.
What you can do if you think you're being spoofed.
Be careful about responding to any request for personal identifying information.
Never give out personal information such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, mother's maiden names, passwords, or other identifying information in response to unexpected calls or if you are at all suspicious.
For more detail on Spoofing, click the link: