Water Pollutants Information
Cancer-Causing Arsenic Contaminates Tap Water for 70 Million Americans
"By Jamee Hood, Communications Intern, and Sonya Lunder, Senior Analyst " Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Drinking water supplies for 70 million Americans in 48 states are contaminated with arsenic at concentrations above the level scientists say increases the risk of cancer, according to nationwide test results collected in EWG's Tap click on for Water Database Click on link below for more information. https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/contaminant.php?contamcode=1005#.WcE5rK2ZNBw.
EPA's legal limit for arsenic in tap water is 10 parts per billion, a level exceeded in 2015 in the water supplies for more than half a million people in 32 states...... the agency published an analysis showing that 10 ppb is not safe, potentially causing up to 600 cancer cases for every 1 million people exposed for a lifetime.
2010 from the EPA suggests that arsenic could be up to 17 times more toxic than previously estimated... Arsenic is a notorious, deadly poison. Exposure to even tiny concentrations of arsenic in drinking water is proven to increase the risk of bladder, lung and skin cancer, and possibly liver, kidney and prostate cancer as well. The risk of cancer is even higher when exposed during early childhood and pregnancy.....
most contaminants can be removed with inexpensive filters, arsenic is more difficult to get out, requiring reverse-osmosis or carbon block filter systems.....
EWG.org environmental blog/2017/09/Cancer-causing-Arsenic-Contaminates-Tap-Water-70-million-Americans
Local News Articles: North Jersey Systems Have Contaminants
Local Area Water Pollutants from The Record snip of the article : Read more : https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/bergen/2017/08/04/unhealthy-but-legal-water-found/530448001/